On Sunday, September 29*th* 2024, we will celebrate the *International CCN-Sunday* to express our solidarity in prayer and the service of reconciliation. Similar services will be held in many German CCN-Centers and all around the world.
The liturgical elements are posted below.
In case you need the raw data of the music peaces feel free to contact the composer Christian Ross: stadtkirchenkantor@gmail.com
Suggestions for psalmodies
Suggestions for psalmodies:
Ps 1// Ps18// Ps 19// Ps 25// Ps 27// Ps 31// Ps 100//
- Suggested order of service:
- Preparation and Opening
- Introduction
- Prayer of penitence: The Litany
- Psalmody
- Kyrie
- Gloria
- Collect
- Reading: Gen 3
- Homily
- inbetween: Reading: Luke 10, 30b – 35
- Creed: Creed of Seoul or creed of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- donation request
- Intercessions
- Lord’s Prayer
- Blessing
For further information and/or downloads, click on the red dots
Litany_of_reconciliation: The Litany
Kyrie (Kyrie_for_choir_and_organ / Kyrie_with_melody / Kyrie_with_melody_small)
Gloria (Gloria_for_choir_and_organ / Gloria_with_melody / Gloria_with_melody_small)
Reading_Genesis: Gen 3
Reading: Luke 10, 30b – 35
Creed: Creed of Seoul or creed of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Donation request
Below you will find all of the above components summarized in a ZIP file.
Complete Homily as PDF -> sunday2024_PDF
Complete Homily as ODT (Open Office,) -> sunday2024_ODT
All Notations as PDF -> sunday2024_melody
All Pictures -> sunday2024_pictures
The CCN-Sunday’s donations will help to finance the work of the Interns at the Cathedral and are highly welcomed! Further Information followes soon.
Many thanks for any amount you are able to give!
To download, click on a photo and then right-click on ‘Save image as’.
Photos: Henning Menzel, CCN-Center Sievershausen, Germany
Readings: English Standard Version
Creeds: World Convocation on Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, Seoul 1990, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, „Letters and Papers from Prison“
Intercessions: kjg Federal Association
Blessing: https://www.ekd.de/friedensdekade-nachhaltigkeitsziel-16- 47957.htm